Special treatment for rentalbikeitaly membership rewards. Check "La Tagliata" restaurant and rooms and benefits on thecyclingclub.net
We provide carbon road bike, gravel, mtb, e-bike rental w/ pick-up at accommodations, also in different towns. Active in Italy, Europe, USA and Japan
Full carbon bike collected in Bergamo.
Our full carbon bike collected under appointment at the Arli hotel in Bergamo at the end of rental period.
Activities in Amalfi coast : a shot from the cycling exploration.
In this picture the ArsMondo owner during her testing of our guided cycling exploration of Amalfi coast. Our company is the official cycling excursions supplier for the ArsMondo Finnish tour operator in Amalfi coast, Naples old town and Phlegrean coast.
De Franceschi full carbon bike dura ace wheels and gear
Picture of the De Franceschi full carbon bike rented to our customer, handmade in Italy frame, dura ace wheels and gear, delivered at Arli hotel in Bergamo.

Cycling excursions along Amalfi coast : our partnership with ArsMondo, extension of our offer to Finnish partner.
Tomorrow our guide will accompany our partner the "ArsMondo" tour operator to explore by bicycle the magnificient Amalfi coast, from Positano to Cetara. With this partnership our company strengthen the cycling excursions offer addressed to the Finnish travellers.
New entry in our stable : Bottecchia 8avio full carbon road bike with Campagnolo Veloce 20v mix and Shimano 105 20v mix
Another new entry in our stable, the Bottecchia 8avio full carbon model available in 2 solution : Campagnolo Veloce or Shimano 105.
Bottecchia are the technical sponsor of the Acqua & Sapone professional Italian cycling team.
Bottecchia is a historical bicycle company that started as a small cyclery of Carnielli and improved in 1924 by Ottavio Bottecchia, the first Italian winner of the Tour de France. A new company with a new name "Bottecchia" was born after the death of Ottavio Bottecchia in 1926 (2 years before professional cycling of my grandfather in the Vèlo Club Naples cycling team)
Things to do in Verona : 10 of the best places to stay, eat and visit in Verona for your Valentine's escape suggested by the guardian.
If you are planning a Valentine's escape we suggest to read this link from the guardian where is possible read some suggestions to stay, eat and visit Verona.
Obviously we suggest to rent our bikes, in this mode can gain time to dedicate to your partner !
Obviously we suggest to rent our bikes, in this mode can gain time to dedicate to your partner !
In Venice the first bar of Italy. Recipe to prepare a good Italian coffee.
original tips to make a good neapolitan strong coffee at home : "water under valve and much coffee in the moka" |
It was one morning in 1570 that the Venetians discovered for the first time the strong aroma of coffee. He was a physician-botanist Prospero At length, he had stayed a long time in Egypt and there he found the drink "black in color andflavor similar to chicory." He thought that his countrymen would have liked. And he was right.
It was so in Venice also opened the first "bar" or better, the first café. The very first, in order of time, was opened in 1554 in Constantinople. In Europe, a cafe was opened in Marseilles in 1659 and one in Hamburg in 1679. In Venice, the plant was initially known as a medicine, but soon it was used to prepare the pleasant beverage: in 1683 (thoughsome anticipate this date to 1640 and even in 1615) in Piazza San Marco, under the arches of the Magistrates, was the firstopen "coffee shop". Since then new shops sprang up everywhere in the city (in 1763 there were 218!).
Becoming meeting places to discuss business, or just for a chat during the free time. The new custom was soon sweptacross Italy: Turin, Genoa, Milan, Florence and Rome rose coffee then become famous and important cultural centers, meeting place of writers, politicians and scholars of all time.
Even the French showed to appreciate a lot the new drink is said that the famous writer Balzac came to drink fifty cups a day. In England the first restaurant for the serving of coffee was opened in Oxford.
In short, the middle of the 700 in all of Europe and America are drinking coffee.
An interesting post about visit at the Giant bicycles factory
If you are interested to know Giant factory, at this link is possible watch some pictures from visit by the Italian MTB forum.
At Taichung village in Taiwan, Giant have the largest manufacturer of bicycles in the world. With 5,200,000 frames produced in 2011, of which 3,000,000 for its brand and the rest for other companies, Giant billin in the 2010 1.39 USD billion.
The company was founded in 1972, when it produced 3,700frames. The Giant name was created in 1981, and in 1987 came from the factory the first carbon bike brand. Now Giant has 9 factories in Taiwan (the object of Italian MTB forum visit), China and other countries including the Netherlands, where there is an assembly line and paint. Worldwide there are 11,125 stores that sell Giant, scattered among 80 countries. The strongest markets are Europe, where Giant gets 30% of turnover, the U.S. with 23%, China with 24% and Japan with 10%.
National achaeological museum in Naples
An interesting article about the national archaeological museum in Naples.
Choose your destination, Where rent a bicycle in Lazio region with pick up and collecting at your accommodations.
Lazio is one of 20 regions of Italy where our company pick up and collect bicycles for rent at railway stations, airports or accommodations.
Our company can deliver or collect also in different cities (also not indicated in this post) and/or in different regions of Italy.
Information and booking : booking@rentalbikeitaly.com
Acquafondata, Acuto, Alatri, Alvito, Amaseno, Anagni, Aquino, Arce, Arnara, Arpino, Atina, Ausonia, Belmonte Castello, Boville Ernica, Broccostella, Campoli Appennino, Casalattico, Casalvieri, Cassino, Castelliri, Castelnuovo Parano, Castro dei Volsci, Castrocielo, Ceccano, Ceprano, Cervaro, Colfelice, Colle San Magno, Collepardo, Coreno Ausonio, Esperia, Falvaterra, Ferentino, Filettino, Fiuggi, Fontana Liri, Fontechiari, Frosinone, Fumone, Gallinaro, Giuliano di Roma, Guarcino, Isola del Liri, Monte San Giovanni Campano, Morolo, Paliano, Pastena, Patrica, Pescosolido, Picinisco, Pico, Piedimonte San Germano, Piglio, Pignataro Interamna, Pofi, Pontecorvo, Posta Fibreno, Ripi, Rocca d'Arce, Roccasecca, San Biagio Saracinisco, San Donato Val di Comino, San Giorgio a Liri, San Giovanni Incarico, San Vittore del Lazio, Sant'Ambrogio sul Garigliano, Sant'Andrea del Garigliano, Sant'Apollinare, Sant'Elia Fiumerapido, Santopadre, Serrone, Settefrati, Sgurgola, Sora, Strangolagalli, Supino, Terelle, Torre Cajetani, Torrice, Trevi nel Lazio, Trivigliano, Vallecorsa, Vallemaio, Vallerotonda, Veroli, Vicalvi, Vico nel Lazio, Villa Latina, Villa Santa Lucia, Villa Santo Stefano, Viticuso
Aprilia, Bassiano, Campodimele, Castelforte, Cisterna di Latina, Cori, Fondi, Formia, Gaeta, Itri, Latina, Lenola, Maenza, Minturno, Monte San Biagio, Norma, Pontinia, Ponza, Priverno, Prossedi, Rocca Massima, Roccagorga, Roccasecca dei Volsci, Sabaudia, San Felice Circeo, Santi Cosma e Damiano, Sermoneta, Sezze, Sonnino, Sperlonga, Spigno, Saturnia, Terracina, Ventotene
Accumoli, Amatrice, Antrodoco, Ascrea, Belmonte in Sabina, Borbona, Borgo Velino, Borgorose, Cantalice, Cantalupo in Sabina, Casaprota, Casperia, Castel di Tora, Castel Sant'Angelo, Castelnuovo di Farfa, Cittaducale, Cittareale, Collalto Sabino, Colle di Tora, Collegiove, Collevecchio, Colli sul Velino, Concerviano, Configni, Contigliano, Cottanello, Fara in Sabina, Fiamignano, Forano, Frasso Sabino, Greccio, Labro, Leonessa, Longone Sabino, Magliano Sabina, Marcetelli, Micigliano, Mompeo, Montasola, Monte San Giovanni in Sabina, Montebuono, Monteleone Sabino, Montenero Sabino, Montopoli di Sabina, Morro Reatino, Nespolo, Orvinio, Paganico Sabino, Pescorocchiano, Petrella Salto, Poggio Bustone, Poggio Catino, Poggio Mirteto, Poggio Moiano, Poggio Nativo, Poggio San Lorenzo, Posta, Pozzaglia Sabina, Rieti, Rivodutri, Rocca Sinibalda, Roccantica, Salisano, Scandriglia, Selci, Stimigliano, Tarano, Toffia, Torri in Sabina, Torricella in Sabina, Turania, Vacone, Varco Sabino
Affile, Agosta, Albano Laziale, Allumiere, Anguillara Sabazia, Anticoli Corrado, Anzio, Arcinazzo Romano, Ardea, Ariccia, Arsoli, Artena, Bellegra, Bracciano, Camerata Nuova, Campagnano di Roma, Canale Monterano, Canterano, Capena, Capranica Prenestina, Carpineto Romano, Casape, Castel Gandolfo, Castel Madama, Castel San Pietro Romano, Castelnuovo di Porto, Cave, Cerreto Laziale, Cervara di Roma, Cerveteri, Ciampino, Ciciliano, Cineto Romano, Civitavecchia, Civitella San Paolo, Colleferro, Colonna, Fiano Romano, Filacciano, Fiumicino, Fonte Nuova, Formello, Frascati, Gallicano nel Lazio, Gavignano, Genazzano, Genzano di Roma, Gerano, Gorga, Grottaferrata, Guidonia Montecelio, Jenne, Labico, Ladispoli, Lanuvio, Lariano, Licenza, Magliano Romano, Mandela, Manziana, Marano Equo, Marcellina, Marino, Mazzano Romano, Mentana, Monte Compatri, Monte Porzio Catone, Monteflavio, Montelanico, Montelibretti, Monterotondo, Montorio Romano, Moricone, Morlupo, Nazzano, Nemi, Nerola, Nettuno, Olevano Romano, Palestrina, Palombara Sabina, Percile, Pisoniano, Poli, Pomezia, Ponzano Romano, Riano, Rignano Flaminio, Riofreddo, Rocca Canterano, Rocca di Cave, Rocca di Papa, Rocca Priora, Rocca Santo Stefano, Roccagiovine, Roiate, Roma, Roviano, Sacrofano, Sambuci, San Cesareo, San Gregorio da Sassola, San Polo dei Cavalieri, San Vito Romano, Santa Marinella, Sant'Angelo Romano, Sant'Oreste, Saracinesco, Segni, Subiaco, Tivoli, Tolfa, Torrita Tiberina, Trevignano Romano, Vallepietra, Vallinfreda, Valmontone, Velletri,Vicovaro, Vivaro Romano, Zagarolo
Acquapendente, Arlena di Castro, Bagnoregio, Barbarano Romano, Bassano in Teverina, Bassano Romano, Blera, Bolsena, Bomarzo, Calcata, Canepina, Canino, Capodimonte, Capranica, Caprarola, Carbognano, Castel Sant'Elia, Castiglione in Teverina, Celleno, Cellere, Civita Castellana, Civitella d'Agliano, Corchiano, Fabrica di Roma, Faleria, Farnese, Gallese, Gradoli, Graffignano, Grotte di Castro, Ischia di Castro, Latera, Lubriano, Marta, Montalto di Castro, Monte Romano, Montefiascone, Monterosi, Nepi, Onano, Oriolo Romano, Orte, Piansano, Proceno, Ronciglione, San Lorenzo Nuovo, Soriano nel Cimino, Sutri, Tarquinia, Tessennano, Tuscania, Valentano, Vallerano, Vasanello, Vejano, Vetralla, Vignanello, Villa San Giovanni in Tuscia, Viterbo, Vitorchiano
Sightseeing with gondola in Venice ... cross the Grand Canal
This post can give interesting information for people that finish or start Italian cycling holiday in Venice area. Gondola sightseeing is very expensive. In Venice can be possible ask to the Gondoliere (gondola driver) if can supply a short gondola ride. For this raison some customer that want ride the gondola with a small fee ask to the gondoliere if can be possible only cross the Grand Canal, few euros just to have the satisfaction to have ridden for few minuts the venetian gondola.
Someone told me that the small fee to cross the Grand Canal is around 50cent or 1 euro and that is possible found gondola crossing in 7 points of the Canal :
- between railway station and the Fondamenta S.Simeon Piccolo
- between S.Marcuola and Fontego dei Turchi
- between S.Sofia (Ca'd'Oro) and Rialto market
- between riva del Carbon and riva del Vin at Rialto
- between S.Tomà and S.Angelo
- between S.Samuele and S.Barnaba
- between S.Maria del Giglio and calle del Traghetto at Dorsoduro
I found this link where is possible watch the map of the gondola points where is possible cross the Grand Canal for a small fee.
Bassano del Grappa and his wooden pontoon bridge ! Cycling Bassano ...
The symbol of Bassano del Grappa is the covered wooden pontoon bridge , which was designed by the architect Andrea Palladio in 1569. The bridge was destroyed many times, the last time during WWII. The Alpine soldiers, or Alpini have always revered the wooden bridge and Bassano del Grappa. After the destruction of the bridge, they took up a private collection and had the bridge completely rebuilt. Often soldiers flock to the bridge to remember and sing songs from their days as alpine soldiers. The grappa shop of Nardini Distillery is located on the bridge, known as Ponte degli Alpini.
This is a brand new excursion proposed by our company. Is arranged with the support of local associations. With us is possible discover and walk down old stairs built during sixteenth century. The main stairs proposed by our company are the Pedamentina and the Moiariello. The first connect with 414 steps the Certosa di San Martino located on the top of the hill to the UNESCO World Heritage old downtown of Naples,
Moiariello connect the Capodimonte royal palace to the downtown of Naples.
From the old town is possible reach the top of Pedamentina by Funicolare local transport and walk down back with the support of our tour guide. In alternative our company can arrange transfer to the top of stairs and to your hotel at the end of the day.
Taxi, air, train, boat, buses and underground. National transportation strikes in Italy
We read it was announced new strike for :
- 23 Jan - 14 hour Italian National Taxi strike
- 26-27 Jan - National Transportation strike (air, train, boat, buses, underground)
The transport service will still be guaranteed in part at certain times of the day. Before leave to Italy we suggest to take contact or visits transportation official web sites to know further information about limits of services provided during this days.
Porrettana panoramic road : from Bologna to Pistoia by bicycle or vice versa !
The Porrettana S.S. 64 is a beautiful road connecting Bologna to Pistoia and was the first line through the Apennines between Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna. It is also known in Italian as the Transappenninica "trans-Apennines" road.
The road from Pistoia (loc. Capostrada) continue to the north direction in Signorino locality (inside the Pistoia municipality), cross the Passo della Collina and go across San Pellegrino, Bellavalle, Sambuca Pistoiese and enters in Emilia Romagna. Along the regional border touch Porretta Terme, Vergato, Marzabotto, Sasso Marconi, Casalecchio di Reno and Bologna.
After Bologna the road continue alongside the A13 motorway and crossing Lovoleto, Altedo, Malalbergo e Montalbano and finish in the town of Ferrara.
In this post can watch some pictures from our Porrettana road exploration. Just my personal observation : this road is very beautiful for the landscape changing, meter by meter. Probably is the one of most beautiful roads of Italy.
Enjoy your Porrettana cycling exploration,
Jerry de Concilio
crossing the 44th parallel on the Porrettana road |
Greenwood of the Porrettana road |
national etruscan museum on the road |
cyclists on Porrettana road |
Cycling Aurelia Roman Empire road
Carbon road bike rental in Pisa
Picture shooted during customized collecting of bicycles provided for rent at the Torre Pendente Campsite in Pise. This is a view of leaning tower of Pise from the Via Aurelia roman road built at 241BC..
Information and bike rental quote requests via email to jerry@rentalbikeitaly.com
The first cycling path in Naples , start of infrastructural works
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pictures credit : Naples Municipality web site |
At noon the city of Naples today lived an important event for urban cyclists and tourists : the start of works to creation in 6 months of the first cycling path of the town.
The project is born under Luigi De Magistris city council and include the opportunity to use bicycle and intermodal transports, like Naples Metro underground lines or Funicolare where will be possible pick up bikes inside everyday.
The project includes 20km of cycling path from Bagnoli (phlegrean area) to Naples railway central station by way of seafront, port and the historical center.
Our company look with interest the completion of this infrastructure and the opportunity to integrate our existing excursions to this cycling path.
Actually our company offer cycling sightseeing inside the restricted traffic zones of the old town (historical center characterized by pedestrian and low traffic areas) and the cycling exploration of beautiful phlegrean coast with guide service in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French and Japanese languages.
Luigi De Magistris interviewed during start of infrastructural works.
Break during our exploration in Parga, Greece.
Walking the Parga port. Shots from a break during our cycling exploration in northwestern part of the regional unit of Preveza in Epirus, northwestern Greece.
Bicycle rental services to travel Via Francigena
The Via Francigena is an ancient road between Rome and Canterbury, passing through England, France, Switzerland and Italy. In mediaeval times it was an important road and pilgrimage route.
To pilgrims headed south, it was the Via Romea; to those headed north, the Via Francigena.
To pilgrims headed south, it was the Via Romea; to those headed north, the Via Francigena.
The Italian path of the Via Francigena cover this town :
We supply bicycles with accessories and Garmin Edge 800 GPS Navigator including pick up in Aosta and collecting on the road to Rome.
In compliance with our ethic business development program our company support the business sustainability. From one week we are working with Famiglia di Maria Foundation in Naples - Italy - to create one laboratory of mechanical for bicycles. The word of this foundation in "in legality, in freedom". The structure work to accompany teenagers from disadvantaged social contest to the job marketplace. In this case thanks to our cooperation teenagers will be accompanied to the field of cycling.
Picture from Cilento cycling tour : on the road from Agropoli.
Some pictures from our cycling exploration of Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park. Our shore excursions can include transfer service by van from Naples and Salerno hotels.
Pricing information and booking : jerry@rentalbikeitaly.com
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